
Dr Ivan Majchút Maj. Dr Michal Hrnčiar


Historical ties as well as current activities of Slovakia on the international scene are the reason that the Cyprus problem has become an important agenda of Slovak foreign policy. Hence, the Slovak approach to the Cyprus problem solution is reflected in the role of the mediator and as command country in Sector 4 with a robust military presence and an active involvement in UNFICYP peacekeeping mission on the island. The result of the study proposes a general overview of Slovakia commitments to Cyprus, pointing out Slovak diplomatic activities in the peace talks concerning the Cyprus problem solution as well as Slovak military contribution to the UNFICYP mission. The activities of Slovakia in Cyprus facilitating the process of reunification of the island and the long-term operation of Slovak military contingent in UNFICYP are constantly recognized and highly praised, not only by many representatives but also by the island’s population.



Slovakia, Slovak diplomacy, Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, Cyprus Problem, UNFICYP

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How to Cite

“Slovak Contribution to the Solution of the Cyprus Problem”. 2022. Cyprus Review 33 (2): 59-81. https://www.cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/797.