
Dr Maria Photiou


In this paper, I examine Adamantios Diamantis’ painting The World of Cyprus as a representation of a male-dominated society where women are marginalised. Through the analysis of the artwork, I will consider how the piece presents a traditional ‘world of Cyprus’ that was beginning to disappear during the post-1960s. I will refer to Diamantis’ work as an example to explore gender relations and socio-political conditions in patriarchal Cyprus. I will argue that socio-political conditions in Cyprus left little space for women to contest patriarchy, to fight for gender equality, or to gain public visibility.



patriarchal Cyprus, Adamantios Diamantis, gendered narratives, gender roles, gender studies, Cypriot art

Special Section

How to Cite

“Gendered Narratives in Adamantios Diamantis’ The World of Cyprus”. 2020. Cyprus Review 32 (1): 279-95. https://www.cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/733.