
Eva Keller


This article discusses Turkish-Greek-Cypriot relations from a social anthropological point of view. More precisely, it discusses the processes by which Greek Cypriots construct collective identity as Cypriots involving the exclusion of the Turks from mainland Turkey and the inclusion of the Turkish-Cypriots into the group defined as insiders. I argue that these processes leading to the construction of social boundaries are based on culturally shared notions such as religion and the house which are discussed in detail. Those (the Turks) who violate Greek-Cypriot cultural notions are perceived as outsiders, while those (the Turkish-Cypriots) who do not, are regarded as insiders. I argue further that it is misleading to use the concept of ethnicity as a general and universal frame of reference in the analysis of collective identity.



Turkish-Cypriots, Greek-Cypriots, group identity, ethnicity

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How to Cite

“Looking at the House from Inside: The Processes of Constructing Group Identity Amongst Greek-Cypriots”. 2018. Cyprus Review 9 (2): 41-56. https://www.cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/499.