
Tasoulla Hadjiyanni


With an emphasis on assimilation, the refugee literature has not extensively studied why some refugee groups retain a distinct 'refugee consciousness' for years and generations after their dislocation. Using quantitative and qualitative data from interviews with 100 children of Greek-Cypriot refugees, bomafter their families' displacement in 1974, this paper explores the causes and explanations of refugee consciousness and elucidates its persistence. The findings reveal the central role of the family in the transfer and support of refugee consciousness. Moreover, exploring further the "depth and strength" of refugee consciousness, the paper shows that the latter is grounded in a feeling of loss, as children continue to mourn for what their families lost as a result of the dislocation.



How to Cite

“The Persistence of Refugee Consciousness – The Case of Greek-Cypriot Refugees”. 2018. Cyprus Review 13 (2): 93-110. https://www.cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/436.