Early Forms of Ethnic Conflict in Cyprus Archbishop Kyprianos of Cyprus and the War of Greek Independence 1821
On 25 March 1821, the Greeks of Morea and the Aegean Islands triggered a revolt against their Ottoman rulers who had dominated and exploited their land and fellow countrymen
since 1453. The sultan viewed this uprising as a threat to order and discipline among the Christian subjects of his threatened Empire. The oecumenical patriarch Gregorios V and the
Cypriots were among the first to suffer the anger and repressive measures of the Porte. The persecution of the Cypriots began on 9 July 1821, and continued indiscriminately, on a large
scale, until December of the same year. This was a dark period for the Greek Cypriots. Many of them were massacred, their villages were burned, and some of them were sold into slavery
in the markets of the Orient.
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