
Gülay Umaner Duba


The purpose of this article is to explore the possible preconditions for successful conflict management and stable federalism for a reunited Cyprus. It deals with the federal system proposed in the latest UN constitutional proposal called the Annan Plan (2002–2004) with a view to suggesting viable alternatives to the ongoing negotiations since 2008. The analysis shows that the federal model envisaged in the Plan and in the ongoing negotiations would have been unlikely to be suitable for Cyprus, because the designed federal institutions have never addressed the social, economic, political and demographic characteristics of the society. A number of changes to the proposed models for the reunification of Cyprus are needed: the normative dimension of and the institutional aspect of asymmetric federalism are needed to be examined carefully. 



federalism, ethnic conflict, Cyprus, the Annan Plan, normative theory, asymmetry, pluralism

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How to Cite

“Conditions for a Successful Federal Model in Cyprus: The Evaluation of the Annan Plan and Future Prospects”. 2017. Cyprus Review 25 (2): 89-110. https://www.cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/110.