
Joana Amaral


A consensus of opinion has emerged in mediation literature which places multiparty mediation as the ‘key’ to successful mediation. In principle, multiparty mediation combines facilitation strategies as practiced by neutral actors, with the more directive and intrusive strategies played by powerful States capable of exerting pressure on local stakeholders reluctant to reach a peace settlement. This article aims to demonstrate that the mediation initiatives conducted in Cyprus in 1963–1965 by the United States of America and the United Nations had an ideal multiparty potential that was not recognised and was, indeed, rebuffed by these actors. In conclusion, this study infers that multiparty mediation might have substantially benefited the peace process had the United States of America united its capacity to leverage all parties to align with the United Nations’ willingness to facilitate a settlement locally.



conflict, mediation, multiparty mediation, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, United States of America (USA), United Nations (UN)

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How to Cite

“Multiparty Mediation in Cyprus in 1963–1965”. 2017. Cyprus Review 25 (2): 73-88. https://www.cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/109.